Daily Detoxing Made Simple
And Liver and Colon Health
by Max Wettstein, Copyright 2005 *This is not medical advice
We’re exposed to toxins,
free-radicals and carcinogens everyday, from car exhaust to contaminated water
to household chemicals to drugs, alcohol, second-hand cigarette smoke, etc.
Even some of the food we eat may contain pesticide residues, synthetic hormones,
antibiotics, rancid and hydrogenated oils, PCBs, mercury, artificial sweeteners,
and preservatives. The fact is, unless we were to move way out to the country,
far from civilization and eat only organic and unrefined foods, there is no
escaping exposure. For the most part, our bodies miraculously filter and
excrete these toxins, and for the most part, can handle the load. The primary
organs responsible for filtering toxins are the liver, lungs, skin, lymphatic
system, kidneys and colon, though every single cell possesses its own defense
Sometimes however, we’re all guilty of over loading our bodies and neglecting our health, with additional consumption of toxins. While it is true we have no control over things such as vehicle exhaust exposure, or may not have access to ‘organic’ food, or we may require certain prescription medications which are critical to our health, we certainly don’t help ourselves when we go out partying all night, or pop Ibuprofen everyday for chronic aches and pains. There is a pill available to help us with every ailment now, and all of these medications, and all of those cocktails, get metabolized by our liver. Over time it can take a toll and bile ducts may become clogged with stones. Highly acidic diets composed mostly of animal-derived meats and fats, refined foods and oils, coffee and soda can cause gall-bladder stones and kidney stones to form. Every time you take a course of antibiotics, you also harm the colonies of ‘friendly’ bacteria that live in your colon. These helpful bacteria are there to control yeast/Candida, (fungus), fight off viruses and other pathogens, and aide in complete digestion. Repeated use of antibiotics without reestablishing probiotic bacteria leads to yeast overgrowth and increased risk of invading pathogens leaking into your body through your colon wall. Years of low-fiber, refined food diets, and use of corticosteroids can lead to build up of impacted fecal residue and mucoid plaque in your colon, and eventually even polyps. And just to kick you while your down, it turns out that the more fat you have, the more of these toxins you store, because fat cells seem to trap toxins and partially-metabolized drug residues – kind of locks it all in.
Wow. I’m quite the ‘dooms-day’ guy right now, making it seem as if we’re all going to die of liver failure tomorrow. Well, as I mentioned earlier the liver, which handles the brunt of detoxing, in reality keeps up quite well, as do the rest of our organs. Really now, we’re only human, and if we can’t socialize and have a few cocktails once in a while, then what’s the point of being healthy? And there are times when you’ve stuck it out with the flu for 2 weeks, and just aren’t getting any better and antibiotics are the only way to heal. Yes of course we need to be reasonable and expect that exposure to toxins is an unavoidable consequence of living, and our bodies should be able to handle it. But every once in a while, maybe once a month or even once a day, why not do one or two things to help your body cleanse itself from the inside out?
The ultimate way to cleanse your body would be to fast on nothing but pure water for a week or longer. Perhaps add in a few herbal teas and a sauna session for a good sweat, to be sure. However, this is not a realistic option for the majority of us, not to mention such a radical fast would make the process a lousy experience, and we’d be very hungry! Assuming you’d rather not check yourself into a Scientology clinic or a holistic spa in Sedona, here are few simple things you can do on a yearly, monthly or daily basis to help your body detox and support liver and colon health:
**Physical movement is the only way to circulate lymphatic fluid. The heart and cardiovascular system does not circulate it, thus physical activity or massage is basically the only way to transport lymphatic wastes. This is one reason, besides jetlag that you feel so out of it and stiff after flying a Transcon.
This list could go on and you probably have a few more ideas of your own, but the intent is not to overwhelm you. Again, even if you just do one of these suggestions a day, you are helping yourself. Sure, your liver can probably keep up with all your drinking and debauchery just fine, but why not lend it a hand every now and then? I apologize for getting a little extreme with the whole colonic idea, but I owe it to you to be forthcoming when writing for your health. Hey, you’ve got nothing to lose. About the only negative consequence to cleansing your body and strengthening your liver is, you may no longer be a ‘cheap drunk’ because the healthier your liver is, the more alcohol it can metabolize and at a greater rate, leaving you more sober than you might be used to!
Sources: www.naturalhealthplus.biz ; Clear Body Clear Mind by L. Ron Hubbard; Lessons from the Miracle Doctors by Jon Barron; Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford.
* For an excellent 30 day intense liver and gall bladder cleansing and rebuilding, please visit www.jonbarron.org
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